Cuil Lodge overlooking Uig bay
Cuil Lodge overlooking Uig bay
Cuil Lodge Bed & Breakfast
Cuil Lodge Bed & Breakfast

Our room prices

Here are our tariffs. All prices are per room per night and include a variety of breakfast choices. (see 'Breakfast Options' page)

Our three rooms:- Room Rate per night


Standard double room




Large double room




De-luxe double/twin, room



If you would like to see all that the Isle of Skye has to offer you really need to spend some time here. The island is not as small as some people think!


So, stay a little longer and enjoy everything that Skye has to a more relaxed pace.


For immediate information about availability, pricing and booking, go to our 'Room availability & Booking?' link that appears on all our pages.


Or, email us at


Or, if you prefer a chat, call us on the house number - 01470 542474 (UK), or 0044 1470 542474 from anywhere else.


Short Term Let Licence No.


Room availability & Booking?

Contact and Queries

Sandy & Margaret Borland

Cuil Lodge, Uig, Isle of Skye, IV51 9YB


Email -


Telephone - Cuil Lodge

  • 01470 542474 in UK, or
  • 0044 1470 542474 Rest of the world
MasterCard Visa American Express Cash (Sterling)
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash (Sterling)
We are members of "Scotlands Best B&Bs" group. Click on the image to go to the main website
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© Cuil Lodge B&B, t/a Blue Skye Thinking 2014 - 2025.